Our Resource Library is designed with your convenience in mind. Whether you're a developer, business owner, or a Stames enthusiast, our diverse collection of resources ensures you have everything you need at your fingertips. We're here to empower you with the knowledge and tools to make the most of your Stames experience.
Stames Credits

Discover everything you need to know about Stames Credits, our virtual currency that powers your transactions within the Stames ecosystem.

Stames API

Explore our powerful Stames API Documentation to unlock the full potential of our services including integration guidelines, and code.

Service Requests

Our service request section is the place to request support. Our dedicated team is here to help you easily and promptly access that support.

Customer Service Evaluation

Customer opinion matters. Access our Customer Service Evaluation and Survey Portal to share your current customer experiences processes.

Mystery Shopper Reports

Want us to experience your services as a mystery shopper? Request a mystery shopper report (MSR) for us to evaluate your customer services.

Product Updates

Our technology is constantly evolving. Our product updates & newsletters keeps you informed about any changes to our services.


Stay informed and up-to-date with the latest news, updates, thought-provoking articles, industry trends & press releases in our blog section.

Knowledge Base

Access a treasure trove of knowledge with our articles, guides, and FAQs. Find answers to expand your understanding of our services.

Videos & Demos

Check out our videos for step-by-step guides, webinars, events & demonstrations on how to make the most of our awesome features & services.

Webinars and Events

Stay updated and in the loop with our upcoming events on upcoming webinars, seminars, and events related to our product updates & services.


Access downloadable resources, such as brochures, and other materials, that provide in-depth insights into our services and solutions.

Use Cases

Learn from real-world examples and use cases across various industries as of how businesses have/can leverage(d) Stames to achieve success.